Late in 2013 I created my first vision board which looked like the one above. Since creating a vision board was a new concept to me, I didn't really know what to put on it and I just tossed a few pictures together like a salad and called it "good enough".
I was told I should put things on my board that meant the most to me, things that brought me the most pleasure, things that would fulfill a need or want or desire in me. That, my friends, was a lot harder to come up with than it sounds and, thus, the reason my board looks a little skimpy.
I don't know that I've made huge strides in my abilities to make my vision board look any better, but I am getting a little better at describing what these pictures actually mean, plus, I've added several others on another board which is at home in my office.
Financial freedom is a big thing for me, but that term, in my use for it, simply means that I don't work for another human being or entity as I do now to survive. I would love to work because I love to work and love to work at what I love to work at which, in itself, would no longer be work at all, thus, I would ultimately be free.
There are a few photos here of gardening stuff and yoga stuff and "no stress" stuff which touch a deep part of my being. There is no sweeter perfume than the smell of freshly turned earth. When I garden, when I touch Mother Earth, when she and I connect, skin to skin, it's magical. I become calm and any stress I had dissipates quickly. The connection between us is difficult to explain unless I'm explaining it to ones who have felt it themselves. Others will think I'm at least half crazy .... they may be half right.
As I've written before, I have a large family and I expect it to continue to grow in the upcoming years so family is important to me. However, as we all know, family changes. The roots may stay in the same place but the tree branches out and go in many different directions. It becomes difficult to visit every one, every year. Holidays have to be compromised in consideration for the inlaws. It almost becomes appropriate to set up a "Parenting Plan" or "Inlaw Holiday Plan" so we each get our appropriate visitations with our families equally. I may suggest that some time this year. Ha!
At any rate, creating a vision board has been and continues to be a bit of a challenge for me but I keep trying and isn't that the just of it all? Keep trying? If you don't succeed the first 1,000 times, try 1,001 times?
I don't know when I will die but I do hope I have a few more years to work on making an amazing, dynamic vision board and as I progress, and I will, I will update you all. You know why I will update you? Because I know you CAN'T WAIT to see WHAT'S NEXT WITH ME!!!!
See you On The Horizon
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